School. Social Media. Parents. Pressure. Drugs. OMG I CAN’T EVEN DEAL ANY MORE. 😒
You’re not alone.
You need the right person to talk to.
This site’s about finding them.
Cool. Here’s how this works:
FIRST, De-Stress 🧘🏽
NEXT, Build a support system 🤗🫶🏾
THEN, Talk with people you trust 🗣️👤💗
😌 Just Breathe 😌
Yeah, it sounds cheesy.
But deep breaths are. like a “pause” button for stress.
3… 2… 1… Breathe.
Feel Better?
Mind clearer?
Pulse slower?
Feel better?
Ready for the next step?
Release the (peer) Pressure
Ok, yeah. This is about the pressure to use drugs.
🤦🏽♂️ But also 24/7 social media, dress-like-this, act-like-that, OMG-stop-it kinda pressure 🤦🏽♀️
5 Ways to Beat Peer Pressure
1. Walk Away 🚶
2. Make an Excuse. 🤷
“I’ve got plans” or “I have asthma” go a long way.
3. Make a Joke. 😉
4. Flip the Script 💁
“Joining the crowd isn’t awesome. Thinking for yourself is.”
5. Suggest Alternatives. ⬅️ ➡️
Take Time to Connect
Together = Happy
Did you know?
⚽ Team sports = Better mental health?
👯 Talking IRL makes you happier than texting?
🤗 Friends actually feel happier after they hug?
Get together. Talk.
Or do something fun.
Build A Support System
😐 “I’ve got no one to talk to.” 😐
Here’s what’s wild: EVERYONE feels this way sometimes.
So there’s always someone who will understand. You just have to find the right people.
Find people who…
People who might hurt you CAN’T help you.
Is this person hearing you? Or waiting to talk?
Will they help and support you? Or judge you?
Make a list of people who pass this test
Could be parents, teachers, friends, siblings, coaches, whoever.
Have the Hard Talks
You can’t solve a problem if you don’t talk about it.
☝️ Choose the right person
✌️ Try a test conversation
✋ Practice what you want to say
You can even say it in a mirror. Imagine what
you want out of the conversation.